• Once you purchase the application You will gets your own URL (Application live link) like abc.caoasoftware.com, & will provide you one default Administrator UserID & Password.
  • Initially, for 15 Days, we provide a dedicated Product Advisor, who helps you to perform our 7 Step seamless deployment procedure as below.
  • We perform each below 7 Steps one by one & precisely for better effectiveness and user acceptance. Please look into this.
  • You can choose service plans as per your requirements. All service plans are mention on the website.

  • Step: 1 Bulk Data Transfer

    · Preparation of Data Sheets.
    · Irrespective of Service Package, Our Team will upload Employee, Client, Group, Country, State, City, Department, Task, Sub-Task/Checklist, File Location & Label, and Document Name Master Data in Bulk.

    Step: 2 Master Data fill up

    • Application Engineered for Your Firm Needs, By filling the Company and Multi-Company Master, Tax Master, Role Creation, Payment API setup, e-commerce integration, Conveyance setup & other Integration.

    Step: 3 Configuration & Setup

    • Based on Your Preferences, Financial Year, Role, Hierarchy, SMTP, Auto Email/SMS Notification, Mobile App, Field Master & Other Modules Set Up.

    Step: 4 Work allocation & other processes setups

    • Recurrence Task Assignment, Task allocation, Invoice & Currency setup, Document tracking, Account Ledger, Conveyance, Auto Email/SMS Scheduler, and Other Work Processes Are Set Up.

    Step: 5 Training on live data

    · Role wise & Module wise training to all users, we try to maintain actual scenario with your data and provide you practice window. & Guide you for better results.

    Step: 6 Payroll Setup & Training

    · All Payroll setups & Training will be provided separately to concerned team members.

    Step: 7 Finalize go-live date and counseling.

    · Admin Interactions and Counselling for Frictionless Adoption.

    We will look overall process & Help you with our best. You can share my contact details with your team for any related help.